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Why you need a virtual assistant in the podcast industry

I’m sure we have all noticed how quickly the podcast industry has grown in the last couple of years. It is no longer just a small-medium for digital conversations but the podcast world is now a multi-million dollar industry. Podcasting is not as simple as setting up your phone and pressing record, it takes a lot of behind-the-scenes work to get the final product. As a podcast host, you are responsible for finding related topics, guests, sponsors, recording, publishing, and much more. It is impossible to take care of all of that without burnout! A virtual assistant can help reduce the chances of burnout and give you time back to focus on the details that matter, so that your audience has a more pleasant experience. 

A virtual assistant can handle a lot of the tedious work that goes into your podcast.

Guest Appearances

Guest management can look different for every podcast. A virtual assistant can find guests for you or filter through your guest inquiries based on a set of criteria. They can reach back out to potential guests and set up meetings to ensure that they are the right fit for your audience. 


Even if you are an expert in your field of work, you will still need to conduct research to ensure that you are providing accurate and relevant information. A virtual assistant can do this research for you! They can look through different databases and social media platforms to make sure you are fully up to date with the topic at hand. They can also do market research that can help you better understand your audience and competitors. 

Talking Points

Podcasts are all about conversations, whether that is with your co-host or a guest, having a series of talking points can help the conversation run smoothly. A virtual assistant can create a list of talking points, based on your guests, topics, or timeframe. If your podcast has certain segments within it, your virtual assistant can create talking points around it to make sure each episode is consistent. 

Having a virtual assistant that specializes in podcasting can not only save you a lot of time but can help you grow as a business. A virtual assistant can give you time back to focus on retaining readers and moving up the charts through different platforms.

Visit Elevatedassist.com to get started!


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